DIY Painted Rug
Before |
After |
Want to know how I transformed a boring white rug into a contemporary focal point? Follow these easy steps below:
Here's what you'll need:
1. White or light colored woven rug...I found mine while we were moving :)
2. Fabric paint, choose any color you like but I used: Tulip Soft Matte Fabric Paint - Ebony
3. To make your own stencil you'll need cardstock, thin chipboard or contact paper...anything thin enough to go through your printer but sturdy enough to stand up to multiple layers of paint. You could also use a store bought stencil if you want to make this project a little easier.
4. Utility knife (if you choose to print your own pattern onto cardstock, you'll need to cut it out and scissors are hard to use if you have tight curves or angles in your design)
7. Blue painter's tape
8. Ruler or measuring tape
Here's how to do it:
1. Look how grungy, stained, and boring this rug was before I got my hands on it! So I washed, bleached, and dried it before I applied any paint.
2. I made my own stencil template by finding a pattern online, re-sizing it to repeat across the short end of the rug, and printing it on 8.5" x 11" white cardstock.
3. Print the pattern onto separate pieces of cardstock, and use an x-acto knife to cut the pattern out.
4. Use blue painter's tape to match up and secure the pattern into one long stencil. Tape the long stencil onto your rug so it doesn't move while you're painting. (This is also recommended if you're using a store bought stencil).
5. Squeeze out a healthy dose of your fabric paint onto your plastic palette. Saturate the foam bush with paint but make sure it doesn't drip. Dab the foam brush over the stencil in a straight up and down motion. This will ensure a crisper line and help prevent the paint from being pushed under the stencil.
6. After your first section of stencil is painted, carefully remove the stencil and shift it over to match the pattern up to the point where you left off. Re-tape the stencil to the rug so it doesn't move while you're painting.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 along the other end of the rug...or wherever you decide the pattern will look best for your project.
8. Let dry overnight or at least 24 hours before walking on it. If the rug will be placed in a high traffic area of your home, I would suggest spraying a clear matte finish over the painted sections. I haven't done this yet but I probably should. I'm also not sure what product will work best or what washing instructions would be appropriate but this stuff looks good...?
Clear Acrylic Matte Sealer. You might also want to invest in a rubber non-slip rug pad to go underneath your new beautiful creation.